By the end of this month I will have drilled into my readers that contemporary resumes demonstrate ‘how’ you can do the job rather then ‘tell’ employers what you can do.
You have but a small window during a recruitment campaign to convince employers what you’ve got and how you’re going to use it. It’s not nearly good enough to list in your resume “I am a driven employee”. Demonstrate what you did, where you did it, how you did it and what came of it…to ensure no uncertainty is left in your potential employer’s mind that you can do the job.
To ensure you are on the right track, scan your resume for ’empty’ words that aren’t supported by evidence and actual examples. Don’t tell someone you are a high performing sales agent, rather, back it up and show an example of how you achieved consistent KPI targets within your first year and achieved 40% increased sales within the 3rd quarter.
Contact WER and let us ‘show’ you how to write and effective resume that will make an impact.