Career expos and networking… how do you do it?

  With upcoming career expos such as the ‘Reinvent You Career Expo’ on Saturday 22 & 23 March in Brisbane, there is no better time to brush up on your networking skills.  But, what is networking? Networking is a highly undervalued and underestimated career activity that can assist many professionals, not just in their direct job […]

How to organise your job activities for success!

When it comes to work, home life and personal comittments, there are a selection of tools we all use to keep our life in order! Diary, Outlook calendar, lists, whiteboard, project management software and the list goes on.  However, how many job seekers manage their job search activities with that same vigilance? Sure, there might be some […]

Say goodbye to those pre-interview jitters

Interviews can be a daunting and stressful situation.  However the below steps focus on how you can banish those pre-interview jitters and focus on the positive aspects of the interview.     Take a moment You’ve practised, practised, practised…if you don’t know it by now, chances are, you will stress yourself trying to learn new […]

What does your dream job mean to you?

A job has a different meaning to each person.  What it represents and what it can lead to, should motivate you to push yourself to achieve these things.  Does you current job allow you to reap the results of your labour? Are you getting what you desire out of your job? If the answer to […]

Think of an interview like a sales meeting!

The problem with interviews and having it in your mind that you will be attending an interview, is that they have traditionally connoted a ‘one way’ street to, well, interviewing. An interview is a great time for both candidate and interviewer to get all the details, selling points, perks, offerings out of the bag. However, […]

Interview Presentation 101

Interviews can be a tricky meeting to prepare for! You have your research and prep to consider. You might even start drafting some common interview question responses, to be double prepared. With all that going on, it’s no wonder the question of  ‘what you’re going to wear’ becomes a consideration at the very last minute. There is […]

5 minutes with a Graphic Designer

Here at Winning Edge Resumes, we get a lot of enquiries from clients regarding information and where they should go to research different roles and or industries when considering a career change. There are plenty of sites on the web that can give you a lot of general information around a ‘job role’.  However, we come across many […]

Beware of what you tweet!!

The recent example of PR Exec, Justine Saccoo, who works (worked) as a PR director for InterActiveCorp, PROVES that you MUST be careful of what you tweet! This classic, yet cringe worthy example of a tweet gone horribly wrong, should be enough evidence for anybody who uses the multitude of social media platforms out there, […]

Resume Tips No. 7 – List relevant Hobbies Only

There has long been a contention around whether you should list or not list your hobbies in a resume.  Some people argue that it demonstrates a candidates ability to take on board more than one facet in their life and gives insight into the ‘bigger picture’. Whilst other professionals argue that it is irrelevant to […]