Think of an interview like a sales meeting!

The problem with interviews and having it in your mind that you will be attending an interview, is that they have traditionally connoted a ‘one way’ street to, well, interviewing.

An interview is a great time for both candidate and interviewer to get all the details, selling points, perks, offerings out of the bag. However, all too often, candidates usually take a back seat to driving the interview process and leave it all up to the interviewer. Perhaps it’s nerves that allow this to happen; however if there is one tip you can take on board with you at your next interview it’s…think of your interview as a sales meeting with a potential client.

What are you selling? You!! Your brand, your skills, your attributes. You are a party of one, a business of one, and powerhouse of unique service offerings.

So before you head into your next ‘sales meeting’ all clammy palmed, forehead sweating and nervous…research what the companies/employer’s core service is? What is their point of difference and how can you contribute to it? Research their website, social pages and get inspired on how what specific skills, accomplishments and experiences you can offer that will help propel the company to product service/product excellency.  The more you think of an interview as an opportunity to match your skills to the employer’s needs…the more relaxed, prepared, professional and ideal for the role you will be!

The below infographic by Brian Wilkinson from explains some key activities when dealing with investors.

Are potential employers not investors? Yes! Yes they are! They are investing in your skills, your knowledge, your expertise.  Everything we discussed above is similar to what experts out there are telling their clients.  So the next time you are heading into an interview, keep in mind that you are selling your professional services to potential investors.

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