Job Searching vs Job Targeting

Why are you ‘searching’ for a job? To me, searching implies you have lost something? Or you’re trying discover something?  And whilst, you may in fact have lost your job and attempting to get back into the workforce; you want to ensure you undertake effective job targeting activities; not ad-hoc, spur of the moment job searching! Your […]

Work Christmas Parties – Do’s and Don’ts

For those who have recently attended their work Christmas Party, let’s hope you followed some of the tips below.  For those who have yet to attend their party..take on board these helpful hints from an article by ‘The Fiscal Times’ to ensure you stay in the good books…and employed 😉 DO: Extend Yourself. The office holiday […]

How to ask for a pay rise…the right way!

Everyone wants to get paid what they feel they deserve right? Of course! However, before you put pen to paper to ask for a pay rise or, as I have witnessed some employees do, storm into their manager’s office and DEMAND a pay rise;  perhaps read the following suggestions and tips to increase your chances […]

Resume Tip – Inappropriate Email

One aspect that many job seekers might sideline or not even be a consideration during a job search, is ensuring you have an appropriate email.  If there is one resume tip that could save you from potential  job elimination, it is ensuring your email is professional. If you are utilising an email you created when […]

Career breaks and the challenges!

Have you started to think about taking a much needed hiatus from your career? Taking a career break is ultimately seen by some people as an opportunity to recharge or reassess career aspirations.  However, be aware of the challenges it can also create should you be looking to re-enter the workforce at a later date. […]

Baby Boomers vs Gen Y – How you can become a better employee!

Ever wondered about the typical traits that characterise each generation? Or even more, how different generations are perceived by each other and more importantly, employers?  With the back end of Gen Y’s stepping into the workforce and baby boomers well established in it, the generational differences and gaps have created interesting complexities for all businesses […]

Resume Tips No. 15 – Resume Advice from the experts!

Ever wondered what advice industry leaders in job and recruitment,  such as Seek and Career One, are dishing out? Well, WER have summarised some of the key points being communicated to job seekers out there regarding their resumes and how to ‘fine tune’ it if you wish to get that coveted interview. The Basics… Six […]

Resume Tips No. 14 – One resume per employer!

We know everyone seems to be fighting a loosing battle when it comes to finding time…however in attempt to save time, one area you just can’t cut corners in during your job hunt is a generic, one size fits all, resume approach. I always advise my clients that you really do need one resume per […]

This is why your resume was rejected?

So, ever wondered why you resume ended up in the trash can? ‘This is why your resume was rejected’ written by ‘The Recruiters Lounge’ provides some interesting insight into why your application may not have been successful and also highlights some industry secrets.  Whether you agree or not is not really the question; understanding how […]

Resume Tips No.9 – Skip the Objectives

 Objectives have their uses however, they should be used in your resume for particular roles only.  If you are a graduate student or a first time job seeker, career objectives are very handy in communicating ‘where’ and ‘how’ you want to progress. As an experienced professional, skip the objective.  Instead, use a ‘Career Overview’ or […]

Expo Expo Expo…read all about it!

Are you prepared for the next Careers & Employment Expo in 2014? Each year, a range of Career and employment expos are hosted around Australia, bringing together employers of choice and career driven job seekers. In 2014 there are a few noteworthy expos that should make it on every job seeker’s ‘Calendar of Events’. The […]

Resume Tips No. 3 – Proofread Proofread Proofread

I can not emphasise the importance of proofreading your resume enough. One small typo and your chances of getting hired could slip. Proofreading it once is not enough, so do it twice, three times or as many times as necessary. If you don’t know how to proofread effectively, follow this link for some helpful tips or […]